I came across this article: Why Women Matter in Consumer Goods. It's a good read. It explains the power women consumers have, and the strength that retail companies gain with women executives.
Women make up 85% of buying decisions in the U.S. That's pretty powerful. So with all that power, as women, shouldn't we dictate what we want? Shouldn't we be able to say what we don't want and how we don't want women to be portrayed in order to sell a product?
Take a look at 5 Minutes of What the Media Actually Does to Women, and ask yourselves, if we have 85% of buying power, shouldn't we not buy from companies that would rather sell to stick-figures? Shouldn't we not buy the magazines that "teach" you the secrets to weighing 90 pounds?
How wasteful is it to have such a powerful voice of 85% and not use it properly.